Scouting is a program with a purpose. It is a way for youth to gain strong ethics, moral fiber, and duty to God, all while learning valuable skills and developing future leaders. The world has changed, but the basic concepts of Scouting have remained constant, with values, aims, and methods that continue to mold youth into exceptional adults.
The Scouts BSA program is for Youth ages 11-17.
The Cub Scouts program is for Boys & Girls in Grades K to 5 .
At this time, both of these programs at St. Joseph are accepting Boys and Girls.
Scouts BSA Troop 746, Boys, was founded at St. Joseph in 1952. The Troop meets weekly on Friday nights in the Fr. Gribbin Youth Center at 7:30 PM, and goes camping one weekend a month, year-round. Visit our Troop 746 web page at
Scouts BSA Troop 647, Girls, was started in January 2022, with Scoutmaster Kathy Holmes. The Troop meets weekly on Friday nights in the Fr. Gribbin Youth Center at 7:30 PM, and goes camping or other adventures about one weekend a month.
For information on our Scouts BSA Troops you can email:
Our Family Cub Scout Pack 746 has restarted and is for Boys and Girls in Grades K through 5th grade. They meet for one Pack meeting a month on the first Thursday of the Month, in the Fr. Gribbin Youth Center at 7:00 PM. Dens meet on Monday & Thursday Nights, in the Fr. Gribbin Youth Center at 7:00 PM, with K, 1st, 4th & 5th grades on Mondays and 2nd & 3rd on Thursdays. For information on Family Cub Scout Pack 746, email:
For more information on Scouts BSA, Cub Scouts, and Scouting in general, you can visit the following websites:

Girl Scouts is an all-girl, girl-led, and girl friendly leadership program that prepares girls for a lifetime of leadership. “The Girl Scout Leadership Experience is a collection of engaging, challenging, and fun activities like earning badges, going on awesome trips, selling cookies, exploring science, getting outdoors, and doing community service projects.”
There are different levels for different age groups that cater to girls’ development: Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador.
Daisy - Grades K-1
Brownie – Grades 2-3
Juniors – Grades 4-5
Cadettes – Grades 6-8
Seniors – Grades 9-10
Ambassador – Grades 11-12
Currently 5 troops meet at the St. Joseph Fr. Gribbin Youth Center: Daisy Troop 982, Daisy/Brownie Troop 229, Brownie Troop 73, Junior Troop 1500, and Cadette/Senior/Ambassador Troop 772.
For more extensive general information on Girl Scouts, visit the Girl Scouts of Central Maryland website, For information on joining a St. Joe Girl Scout Troop, email