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Help us reach our goal of $2.5 Million!
Thank you to all of those who have supported
St. Joseph's Capital Campaign. Your generosity has helped us raise $1,350,855 with $2,137,062 pledged.

Phase One, New HVAC in the Church, is now complete at a cost of $1 Million.
Phase Two, Interior Renovations, are set to begin June 2025.

Almighty God,

We give you thanks and praise for the blessings which you have bestowed upon St. Joseph and School these many years. We ask that you bless our efforts in renewing this sacred church for your glory and honor. May our collective efforts in raising the necessary funds and the successful completion of this project reflect our love for you. May the sacrificial witness of those who have gone before us inspire us to respond generously and sacrificially in support of this campaign. In Building on the past, with hope for the future, we pray that this transformation of our church might inaugurate a spiritual renewal in the life of our parish that will lead to a strengthening of marriage and the family, with new vocations to the consecrated life and
the priesthood.
We make this prayer
through Christ our Lord.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

It has been my privilege and joy to serve as Pastor of St. Joseph Church & School for these past
seven years. Across our many parish ministries, we have kept our mission to strengthen marriage and the family through the sacramental life of the Church front and center. I believe it was our strong sense of community and reliance on the Lord’s grace that enabled us to respond with ingenuity and trust during the pandemic, evidenced by the outdoor Masses we offered on the upper soccer field and the way in which we reopened our school for in-person learning.

At the heart of all that we do here is the worship of our Triune God, as we come together as the Mystical Body of Christ, fed each week through the gift of the holy Eucharist. After more than
fifty years of use, our beloved church needs some attention. Much of the interior of our church
has not been updated since it was built in 1971. Investments in upgrades, interior and exterior repairs, and up to date technology are necessary. In addition, the heating and cooling system needs to be replaced.

After much prayer, study, and in consultation with our Pastoral Leadership team and Facilities Committee, and with an eye to the needs of the future, the Building on the Past, with Hope for the Future campaign seeks to enhance our beautiful church not only for our good, but that of future generations. Just as our existing church is the result of the generosity and stewardship of thousands of past and present parishioners, we too have a responsibility to ensure that our church is set on solid footing for future generations.

With this renovation project, we are making a statement that St. Joseph Church & School is not stuck in maintenance mode or short sighted. Rather, we are acknowledging that our parish is alive in the Holy Spirit, and that we take the practice of our faith, rooted in worship, seriously. To reach our goal of $2.5 million, we will need every family to commit to this campaign, each at the level that works within one’s personal budget, but also with a spirit of sacrificial giving. We have an opportunity to do something beautiful and great for God the Father, which will not only bless our experience of worship, but that will also attract new members and provide for future generations. I entrust our efforts to the intercession of St. Joseph and the Blessed Virgin Mary.

With Deepest Gratitude,

Fr. Jesse Bolger

Capital Campaign Committee Members:

John Markley, John Schmuff, Jim Hamilton, Jim Dougherty, Debbie Rouse, Thelma Sam, Siony Placiente, Linda Canestraro, Connie Savage

The total investment required to refurbish our church and replace the HVAC systems is $2,500,000,which we seek to raise through this campaign. The following projects will be addressed:

-Church Interior – $800,000
-New Flooring – replace flooring in church as well as install Brazilian Cherry around sanctuary, upper & lower
-Sanctuary Upgrades – Sanctuary, altar, tabernacle, reredos, tabernacle redesign, stone additions to altar, pulpit
-New Church Pews - Pews, seat cushions, & kneelers
-Church Windows – Paint interior frames and concrete
-Church Screens - 2 16 Ft. LED Screens
-Lighting - Retrofit Church LED Lights
-HVAC – $1,250,000
-In the Church, Office, & Residence Church Exterior - $300,000
-Steel Steeple – Refinish medal, clean, and paint
-Roof – Replace roof of church
-Windows – Exterior Plexiglass Cover
-Other Related Expenses – $150,000
Architectural & Engineering Fees
Contingency for overages
Campaign Administrative Expenses

Building on the Past, with Hope for the Future campaign offers a wide range of opportunities for giving. You can participate in the campaign by making a commitment that permits both flexibility and time to complete payment. Pledges may be fulfilled within a three-year period. We hope that most commitments will be completed within 36 months. However, we understand if you require a longer period of time.

Cash or Check
You may fulfill your three-year commitment in the form of cash or check. Please make checks payable to St. Joseph Church- Fullerton.
Online Giving - Credit/Debit
Click Here to Give Online
Matching Gifts
Many employers will offer to match your gift or pledge. Please
contact your Human Resources Department to see if St. Joseph
qualifies as a designated charity.
Appreciated securities, held longer than a year, can provide an
attractive means of giving. This type of gift permits a donor to
use the full value of the security at the time of donation as a
tax deduction, while avoiding the capital gains tax that would
otherwise be imposed if the security were sold. Donors may also
choose to donate stock in order to claim a loss, which may be
beneficial for tax circumstances. In either case, the stock must first
be transferred to the parish before being liquidated.
Gifts from Retirement Accounts
A qualified charitable distribution (QCD), also known as an IRA
charitable rollover gift, allows individuals currently participating
in a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) to make an outright
gift of up to $100,000 from an IRA directly to the campaign
and exclude it from taxable income. One of the key benefits
of the direct charitable contribution from your IRA is that the
distribution counts towards your Required Minimum Distribution

Life Insurance
St. Joseph may be named as the beneficiary of a life insurance
policy or ownership of an existing policy may be transferred to the

Legacy Gift
A gift through your estate in the form of a bequest is a great
way to leave a lasting legacy. A bequest naming St. Joseph as the
beneficiary would allow you to make a larger gift that would benefit
generations to come. Please let us know if this simple gift giving
method is of interest to you.

Sanctuary Rendering

Music & Choir Rendering

The investments in our facilities at St. Joseph Church are vital to our future as a parish and larger faith community. We eagerly accept the challenges that face us as we become involved in this campaign, and we will strive to reach our goal through the support of our parishioners. Each of our situations and resources are unique, yet our collective success in this campaign will require all of us to give with a “sacrificial mindset.” I ask for both your prayers and your enthusiastic support as we continue to work together Building on the Past, with Hope for the Future.